Design and Operation of Provisional Microgrids
A. Albaker†, A. Khodaei, and L. Zhang, “Design and Operation of Provisional Microgrids,” CIGRE Grid of the Future Symposium, Cleveland, OH, Oct. 2017.
A. Albaker†, A. Khodaei, and L. Zhang, “Design and Operation of Provisional Microgrids,” CIGRE Grid of the Future Symposium, Cleveland, OH, Oct. 2017.
A. Majzoobi†, M. Mahoor† and A. Khodaei, “Microgrid Value of Ramping,” IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Communications, Dresden, Germany, Oct. 2017.
H. Lotfi† and A. Khodaei, “Co-Optimization Generation and Distribution Planning in Microgrids,” IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Communications, Dresden, Germany, Oct. 2017.
A. Albaker† and A. Khodaei, “Valuation of Microgrid Unused Capacity in Islanded Operation,” North American Power Symposium, Morgantown, WV, Sep. 2017.
I. Alsaidan†, W. Gao and A. Khodaei, “Optimal Design of Battery Energy Storage in Stand-alone Brownfield Microgrids,” North American Power Symposium, Morgantown, WV, Sep. 2017.
N. Nikmehr, S. Najafi-Ravadanegh, A. Khodaei, “Probabilistic Optimal Scheduling of Networked Microgrids Considering Time-Based Demand Response Programs under Uncertainty”, Applied Energy, vol. 198, pp. 267–279, Jul. 2017.
A. Alanazi†, H. Lotfi† and A. Khodaei, “Coordinated AC/DC Microgrid Optimal Scheduling,” North American Power Symposium, Morgantown, WV, Sep. 2017.
A. Khodaei, S. Bahramirad, E. A. Paaso, M. Avendano, “Microgrid Economic Viability Assessment An Introduction to MG-REVALUE,” Electricity Journal, vol. 30, no. 4, pp. 7-11, May 2017.
A. Albaker†, and A. Khodaei, “Elevating Prosumers to Provisional Microgrids,” IEEE PES General Meeting, Chicago, IL, Jul. 2017.
A. Khodaei, “Provisional Microgrid Planning,” IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 1096-1104, May 2017.
Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Ritchie School of Engineering and Computer Science
University of Denver
2155 East Wesley Avenue, Room 460
Denver, CO 80210