A Fast Hosting Capacity Calculation Method for Large Distribution Grids
M. Alturki†, A. Khodaei, and E. A. Paaso, “A Fast Hosting Capacity Calculation Method for Large Distribution Grids,” CIGRE Grid of the Future Symposium, Reston, VA, Oct. 2018.
M. Alturki†, A. Khodaei, and E. A. Paaso, “A Fast Hosting Capacity Calculation Method for Large Distribution Grids,” CIGRE Grid of the Future Symposium, Reston, VA, Oct. 2018.
Z. S. Hosseini†, A. Khodaei, E. A. Paaso, M. S. Hossan, and D. Lelic, “Dynamic Solar Hosting Capacity Calculations in Microgrids,” CIGRE Grid of the Future Symposium, Reston, VA, Oct. 2018.
A. Abiri-Jahromi, A. Majzoobi†, A. Khodaei, L. Zhang, E. A. Paaso, S. Bahramirad, M. Lelic, and D. Flinn, “Battery Energy Storage Requirements for Mitigating PV Output Fluctuations,” IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Oct. 2018.
A. Albaker† and A. Khodaei, “Optimal Scheduling of Integrated Microgrids in Holonic Distribution Grids,” North American Power Symposium, Fargo, ND, Sep. 2018.
M. Alturki† and A. Khodaei, “Increasing Distribution Grid Hosting Capacity through Optimal Network Reconfiguration,” North American Power Symposium, Fargo, ND, Sep. 2018.
A. Alanazi†, H. Lotfi† and A. Khodaei, “Optimal Energy Storage Sizing and Siting in Hybrid AC/DC Microgrids,” North American Power Symposium, Fargo, ND, Sep. 2018.
Z. S. Hosseini†, M. Mahoor† and A. Khodaei, “Battery Swapping Station as an Energy Storage for Capturing Distribution-Integrated Solar Variability”, North American Power Symposium, Fargo, ND, Sep. 2018 [Best paper award].
I. Alsaidan†, W. Gao, and A. Khodaei, “Distribution Network Expansion through Optimally Sized and Placed Distributed Energy Storage,” IEEE PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition, Denver, CO, Apr. 2018.
M. Alanazi†, M. Mahoor†, and A. Khodaei, “Day-Ahead Solar Forecasting Based on Multi-level Solar Measurements,” IEEE PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition, Denver, CO, Apr. 2018.
A. Albaker†, and A. Khodaei, “Communicative Scheduling of Integrated Microgrids,” IEEE PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition, Denver, CO, Apr. 2018.
Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Ritchie School of Engineering and Computer Science
University of Denver
2155 East Wesley Avenue, Room 460
Denver, CO 80210